Foundation Intelligence Management and Covert Operations Training
The world-wide trade in Illegal Wildlife Items, (IWI) shows little sign of abating. The demand for such ‘criminal commodities’ remains high and as such, the price of what are often referred to as ‘trophies’, remains a motivating factor in not only the illicit acquisition and sales but encouraging community based- exploitative practices, perpetrated by serious organised crime groups and corrupt officials.
Indigenous people from all over the world are approached by criminal organisations or by their agents and offered life-changing amounts of money, to obtain these items.
The criminals involved in this highly lucrative activity are becoming more and more complex in their illegal practices and in many cases, mirror the same clandestine and violent activities of their criminal-counterparts involved in drug dealing, arms supply and human trafficking.
There will always be the need for an overt law-enforcement response, high-profile community education/engagement plans and support by international funders to combat Illegal Wildlife Trade, however – as with other aspects of serious crime, lawfully gained community and criminal information will always assist in bringing criminals to justice.
To respond to this need for bespoke Intelligence Training, Big5Protection has recently designed and delivered their latest Foundation Covert Intelligence training course, to address the need to obtain information safely, assess, grade and manage it, to turn it into Intelligence, which can then be disseminated safely to those that can action it, to support a successful prosecution or disruption of criminal activity.
To assist law enforcement and NGOS’s involved in the war on IWT, specific training is essential from experts that not only have experience in international law, but also understand the communities that this most affects.
B5P have recently designed and successfully delivered such a course, in South East Asia in November 2022
Co-ordinating Meeting with Senior Leaders of employing agency and Big 5 Protection staff.
Making new friends- local Police assist in training of Covert Skills
The Foundation Intelligence Management and Covert Operations Training Course. ( FIMCOT)
FIMCOT is made up of two modules and specialises in delivering Foundation training in relation to Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and other aspects of Covert Law Enforcement.
Module 1. Foundation-level Covert Human Intelligence Handler/Cover Officer Course
*Note – A Handler recruits and manages Covert Human Intelligence Sources - CHIS (Civilian Informants). When deployed to manage a UCO – these Handlers are referred to as Cover Officers, as they are tasked with supporting the UCO, providing a link between the Covert activities of the UCO and the Overt actions and direction of an operational team. All UCO’s are classified as CHIS, but not all CHIS are UCOs.
Module 2. Foundation-Level Undercover Operatives Course
Scope of Training
Module 1. Aim of Foundation CHIS Handler/Cover Course:
To develop the knowledge and skills required to undertake and to perform the role of a trained and authorised Covert Human Intelligence Source Handler and Cover Officer, in direct support of an Undercover Officer – this includes a practical understanding and application of the authorisation process for a Covert Operation, management of covert information to intelligence and if required, the presentation of evidence of a written and oral nature.
Module 2. Aim of Foundation Undercover Operatives Course:
To develop the knowledge and skills required to undertake and to perform the role of a trained and authorised Undercover Operative - this includes a practical understanding and application of the authorisation process for a Covert Operation, management of covert information to intelligence and if required, the presentation of evidence of a written and oral nature.
*Note – As a formalized methodology of employing Covert Operations, using a qualified, dedicated and authorized Handler/Cover Officer and a similarly trained Undercover Officer is often a new concept to those involved in anti-poaching and Illegal Wildlife investigations. Many organizations have no existing established and proven guidance or detail as to how these Covert resources should be tasked, their specific roles and the Standard Operating Procedures they could or should adopt and develop to support a successful prosecution.
During the course of this training, Big5Protection staff can and will liaise with organizational Intelligence Departments and work with them, to design bespoke documentation and processes, to assist in the subsequent management and deployment of CHIS Handlers, Cover Officers and Undercover officers to be involved in Covert Operations.
What we can design and deliver for your organization:
An Application and Management Process – design and deliver a bespoke and accountable methodology to ensure that your Head of Investigations has oversight and control to authorize any and all Covert Operations that your staff are involved in and that your supporting Intelligence Unit are also fully aware of Covert activity across your tactical area of operations.
A Risk Assessment Process and Corresponding Risk Response Plan – design and deliver a bespoke process to ensure field officers demonstrate an understanding of all risks associated to any Covert or Overt deployment and mitigate higher levels of risk, with a corresponding risk-response plan.
Contact Reports – design and deliver a bespoke document to record each and every interaction of Handler’s meetings or telephone calls from CHIS (Informants) as well as providing a bespoke document that could be used for UCOs to enter their full deployment and information details gained from the interaction with subject persons.
Intelligence Reports – designed to link in with the Contact Reports, this document providing clear direction on how to extract information from Contact Reports, assess validity and usefulness, manage the information by removing all reference to Covert tactics and disseminate this treated information - which is now deemed as intelligence, to those that can make best use of it.
CHIS and UCO profile document- designed to obtain full details of all CHIS and UCO personal details, in order to establish a data base to assist in identifying the most suitable Covert asset to be deployed on subsequent and corresponding Covert operations.
Instruction to Undercover Officer – bespoke guidance for all UCOs, to be read by Senior Officer – or by proxy, the UCO Handler, ensuring every UCO is aware of the host organizational standard operating procedures and informing them they have a personal responsibility and duty of care of not being deployed unless they have express permission from Head of Investigations.
1. An Undercover Operative must not act as an ‘Agent Provocateur’. This means that they must not incite, instigate or procure a person, nor through that person anybody else, to commit a crime, or a crime of a more serious nature, which that person not have otherwise committed.
2. Undercover Operatives may engage in a crime that is already laid on, being committed and may express interest and enthusiasm for criminal acts.
3. Undercover Operatives have an individual responsibility to ensure that their personal involvement in any operation in their undercover role, has been authorised.
All Big5Protection training is progressive and each program is adjusted in line with the development of the candidates, the equipment available to staff, external support and accessibility of the appropriate training environments.
During training, instructors will deliver information in English language and work with you to obtain translated material, if required.
We will also encourage all organizations to supply their own local trainers, so that they too may benefit from working with our internationally experienced staff.
ALL our trainers encourage learners to speak with instructors at ANY time during our courses or out of general class-time should they feel they need any further or extra support.
Training Objectives
At the end of the CHIS/Handlers/Cover course the students will be able to:
Demonstrate and explain the role and responsibilities of a CHIS Handler/Cover officer.
Demonstrate the ability to safely identify, recruit and manage CHIS and manage/cover UCOs.
Demonstrate and explain how to grade intelligence.
Demonstrate the ability to think clearly and make decisions whilst under pressure.
State and demonstrate the authorization procedure of a Covert Operation.
Identify the importance and application of the law relating to Covert Operations.
Identify the need for Safety considerations for all parties and the ability to carry out Risk Assessments in Covert Operations.
Recognise the importance for honesty and integrity in relation to the preparation and presentation of intelligence and evidence.
At the end of the UCO course the students will be able to:
Talk under pressure in a confident and constructive manner
Think clearly and have the ability to make decisions whilst under pressure, thus avoiding danger
Identify his / her own limitations and know when to withdraw from situations.
Construct and maintain a commensurate covert legend (false-identity), with corresponding backstopping, to enter a criminal environment, and having entered, to be able to effectively remain in situ.
Understand the importance of correct procedures in relation to briefings, de briefings and Evidence Book entries.
State and demonstrate the authorization procedure of an Undercover Operation.
Identify the importance and application of the law in relation to covert operations.
Identify the need for Health & Safety considerations and Risk Assessments in covert operations.
Recognise the importance for integrity & best practice in relation to the preparation & presentation of evidence.
Recognise and demonstrate the need for clear and concise evidence in court proceedings.
Albeit these are general objectives, these may change depending on: theatre of operational deployment, skill-base and experiences of the learners, length/duration of the training course and other directions, requests and instructions from the employing agency.
We can also assist any employers in relation to pre-selection for any and all of Big5Protection courses.
In class- Covert Skills and Intel Theory learning
In the field- Covert Ops Training. Putting it into practice!
Course durations
The time requisite to deliver the Covert Skills training again, is variable and based on the experience of the students, however we suggest that the training consist of the following:
5 - Day reconnaissance conducted by Big5Protection staff, to establish contact with local law enforcement and/or Intelligence Staff, local lawyers and Senior Leaders of employing agency involved in Operational Duties. During this time, Big5Protection staff will review the potential employers existing standard operating procedures and conduct a training needs analysis
Handlers/Cover Officers Course – Duration 10 days – two x Big5Protection Trainers – supported by at least 1 x Local Trainer.
Undercover Operatives Course – Duration 10 days – two x Big5Protection Trainers – supported by at least 1 x Local Trainer.
There may be some flexibility in this delivery plan, as some organizations have requested that we supply a hybrid, joint Handler/Cover Course and UCO training.
Specific Training Delivered
Handler’s Course.
Aims and Objectives of the Course:
An Introduction to CHIS -
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to define the meaning of CHIS, Intelligence and better understand types of CHIS and their motivations.
The Intelligence Journey –
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the intelligence journey from initial CHIS recruitment or Covert Ops idea, to fully authorized action.
Student Exercise – A short lesson allowing students to demonstrate their current Covert Operational knowledge.
Ethics and Integrity - At the end of the lesson students will be able to demonstrate their understanding and awareness of their duty of to meet the highest standards of professional practice and behaviour at all times.
Introduction to working with UCOs - Providing students with an introduction to Cover Officer’s roles and responsibilities whilst working with UCO’s.
Introduction to Roles and Responsibilities in Covert Operations - To ensure all officers know the chain of command and their role within this system
An Introduction to Risk Assessments- To define Risk and Risk Assessment, outline the need for Risk Assessments, explaining the need to manage risk, to plan and prepare to minimize risk and to make decisions based on assessed risks.
Telephone Security -To introduce the students to the need for Telephone Security
An introduction to Cover Stories - creating a believable Cover Story to assist Handlers/Cover Officers to deploy on Covert Operations.
11. Selecting Candidate Covert Human Intelligence Sources and the Authorisation Process – introducing students to the components of source management and Covert Operation requests, authorization and the targeted recruitment of CHIS and commencement of Covert Operation.
Operational Orders – supplying a template to allow students to deliver a clear and concise plan, to operationally deploy on a Covert mission.
Meeting the CHIS – Methodology, Safety and Security – instructing students in relation to identifying safe CHIS meeting locations, ensuring security and safety of both parties.
Planning your CHIS route - an introduction to Counter Surveillance – instructing students of the principles and concept of counter surveillance.
Attending and giving evidence at Court – instructing students as to good practice when preparing to give evidence in relation to a covert operation.
Students will also be involved and tested during a two-day final exercise, conducted over long hours in a realistic environment using employer’s local staff or other supporting individuals as role players acting as CHIS.
Students involved in this exercise will be required to closely follow and demonstrate the authorisation process and safely recruit, manage and subsequently obtain information from CHIS that will eventually result in intelligence logs being submitted, culminating in the successful ‘arrest’ of other role-players, representing themselves as poachers.
Each aspect of this final exercise is debriefed at length with all role-players and directing staff giving their input and opinion. This remains the most challenging section of the training and ultimately becomes the highlight of this course. Each student is required to perform with maximum effort and must demonstrate all their new Covert skills and abilities.
UCO Course.
Aims and Objectives of the Course:
An Introduction to CHIS -
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to define the meaning of CHIS, Intelligence and better understand types of CHIS and their motivations.
The Intelligence Journey –
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the intelligence journey from initial CHIS recruitment or Covert Ops idea, to fully authorized action.
Student Exercise – A short lesson allowing students to demonstrate their current Covert Operational knowledge.
Ethics and Integrity - At the end of the lesson students will be able to demonstrate their understanding and awareness of their duty of to meet the highest standards of professional practice and behaviour at all times.
Introduction to working with Cover Officers - Providing students with an introduction to Cover Officer’s roles and responsibilities whilst working with UCO’s.
Introduction to Roles and Responsibilities in Covert Operations - To ensure all officers know the chain of command and their role within this system
An Introduction to Risk Assessments- To define Risk and Risk Assessment, outline the need for Risk Assessments, explain the need to manage risk, to plan and prepare to minimize risk and to make decisions based on assessed risks.
UCO Telephone Security -To introduce the students to the need for Telephone Security demonstrating specific drills for speaking with Cover Officers
An introduction to Cover Stories - creating a believable Cover Story to assist UCOs to deploy on Covert Operations.
Selecting Candidate Covert Human Intelligence Sources and the Authorisation Process – introducing students to the components of source management and Covert Operation requests, authorization and the targeted recruitment of CHIS and commencement of Covert Operation.
12. Operational Orders – supplying a template to allow students to deliver a clear and concise plan, to operationally deploy on a Cover mission.
13. Meeting the target – Methodology, Safety and Security – instructing students in relation to identifying safe target meeting locations, ensuring security and safety of both parties.
14. An Introduction to UCO Tradecraft – instruction to UCOs in relation to all aspects of personal Undercover deployment – CONTENT SECRET
15. Attending and giving evidence at Court – instructing students as to good practice when preparing to give evidence in relation to a covert operation.
Students will also be involved and tested during a two-day final exercise, conducted over long hours in a realistic environment using employer’s local staff or other supporting individuals as role players acting as local poachers
Students will be required to closely follow the authorisation process and safely infiltrate these ‘criminals’ and apply their agreed cover story.
They will also be directed to obtain information from meetings with the role-player target, that will result in intelligence logs being submitted and evidential entries into a designated evidence book.
During the course of this operational deployment, instructors will liaise with local police and request their assistance in them stop-checking students whilst they are deployed in role, testing their UCO legend, personal details and cover stories.
Each team of UCO students will be given the opportunity to make a notional buy of Illegal Wildlife Items, signal a strike and experience an arrest situation.
This exercise will culminate in the last UCO Student pair, being supported by all other students and staff, in a night-time arrest of numerous role-players portraying themselves as poachers.
Albeit quite difficult to manage and coordinate, instructing staff believe it a worthwhile endeavour to galvanize all existing and recently learned skills and abilities, allowing students to experience a major arrest situation.
Each aspect of this final exercise is debriefed at length with all role-players with directing staff giving their input and opinion. This remains the most challenging section of the training and ultimately becomes the highlight of this course. Each student is required to perform with maximum effort and must demonstrate all their new Covert skills and abilities.
Closing Comments
Our aim is to deliver specific and highly efficient Covert Skills, supporting good practices with corresponding documentation and processes - sufficient to reach a standard whereby both Handlers/Cover Officers and UCOs can be released into their new role, ready and able to safely deploy and practice their new skills and abilities.
On completion of the Foundation courses Big5Protection will be on hand to assist with the implementation of the new protocols taught and to assist with the further development of the teams and processes.
For further information in relation to Covert Operations or other Law-enforcement training, please contact B5P’s Chris North: