Throughout many years of training delivery, B5P trainers have adopted an alternate approach to the standard ‘curriculum’ time-table style of course programming that organisations and individuals generally expect and sometimes request; our approach is to understand, as best we can, the needs of the organisations we are delivering training for, to have to hand the relevant lesson plans and an idea of the sequence and time needed for successful delivery, but not to commit to a day by day, hour by hour course program. This is unrealistic and unachievable unless the trainers adopt the ‘ticking boxes’ approach, whereby the training is delivered in a set way and once the delivery has finished the qualifications can be handed out – job done.
Effective training must take into account:
Group/individuals current skills and experience
Circumstances and resources
Environment and weather
Because of these factors, fixed timetabling is ineffective. Subject, level and order of training sessions must therefore be flexible in order to make optimum use of time allowed and to maximise progress and ensure the organisation’s priority goals are focussed on and achieved.
B5P will agree the areas and level of training required and present an initial long-term outline to be covered. This will not be set in stone, except for sessions where outside agencies/specific resources need timetabling in, in advance.
Our training requirements are usually simple: Basic accommodation and feeding for ourselves and the students, a classroom with some protection from the elements, a (magnetic) whiteboard with marker pens, translator or assistance if necessary and access to suitable training facilities or areas.
Any customer restraints or restrictions, such as down days or holidays, guest speakers or specific resources that need precise timetabling, will be worked around.
Our course timetable will fluctuate and change as we deliver to get the best results, given the above factors e.g. spending a little bit more time on one subject and a bit less on another; addressing unexpected gaps in essential knowledge; or bringing forward an aspect of the training we initially thought would be further down the course program. This ensures we can develop the students in the most effective way to get the best results.
anti poaching